Cashew nut roasting machine on sale, swing oven for coated cashew nuts
This cashew nut roasting machine could bake cashew kernels and the processed cashew kernels can be packaged into bags directly. The roaster could also bake many other food materials, like peanuts, almonds, cocoa beans, sunflower seeds, and others. Food baked by this oven is crispy and tasty. The machine could use as a single machine or match with other food machines in a cashew nut processing plant, peanut butter plant. Customers could also customize the capacity of this roasting oven. More detailed information about this machine is as follows.
Single cashew nut roaster
The cashew nut baking oven is composed of a control panel, the roasting part, an inlet hopper, an outlet. It could heat through gas or electricity. This machine can bake cashew nuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds, almonds, chestnuts, and other nuts. The roaster oven usually applies to small cashew nut plants, peanut butter processing plants, coated peanut production lines, peanut cereal bar making plants, cocoa powder production lines, and others.
Continuous cashew nut roasting machine on sale
3 or 5 roaster ovens could connect to be a continuous cashew nut baking machine. This large roasting machine could bake large amounts of nuts and form an automatic cashew nut production line. The baking time and temperature of 5 ovens could be set through an intelligent panel. And under the outlet, there is a conveyor belt carrying the roasted nuts to the next processing machines.

Swing oven for coated cashew nuts on sale
The swing oven mainly applies to roasting coated peanuts, coated cashew nuts, and other nuts. It could heat through gas or electricity. And there is a large swing oven with a hoist and a small coated nut swing baking oven. The machine can use as a separate machine or in a coated peanut production line. Customers could customize the machine capacity according to the production demands.